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Focus on Fundamentals Seriesfocus on fundamentals

August 6: "Focus on Fundamentals" by John Tullis

John Tullis urges the church to focus on the fundamentals of our faith.  Let's keep the main thing the main thing!

August 13: "Fundamentals: Abrahamic Faith" by John Tullis

In an effort to keep our church focused in on the main thing, John delves into a series of our fundamental truths. First up is Abrahamic faith. In Christ, we are Abraham's descendants and heirs to the promise according to Galatians 3:29.

August 20: "Fundamentals: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" by John Tullis

Continuing in his series on focusing on the fundamentals of our faith, John talks about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This sermon lays a Biblical foundation for who God is and His relationship with Jesus Christ.

August 27: "Fundamentals: Second Coming" by John Tullis

In this final installment of the Focus on Fundamentals series, John delves into what the Bible has to say about Jesus' return.

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