Online Messages

In response to the global pandemic and for the health and safety of our congregation and community, we've temporarily suspended all activities at North Hills Church of God effective March 16, 2020.  In the meantime, we will be posting video content on our North Hills Facebook Page and YouTube Channel as well as here.  You can like or follow either place to be notified when new content is posted.  We hope you can use this time to grow closer to God and still feel connected to your North Hills family.  

March 18: "Do Not Be Afraid" by Kyle McClain

Watch this video to help you conquer your fear during the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

March 22: "Importance of Perspective" by Kyle McClain

The importance of perspective was a valuable lesson that Kyle learned during time in the NICU with his baby boy Ezra. The importance of perspective is also crucial to understand during the pandemic of the Coronavirus.

March 29: "Gospel Message: Kingdom" by Kyle McClain

This is the first of a 3-week series talking about the core pieces of the gospel message. This video focuses on the significance of the Kingdom!

April 5: "Gospel Message: Cross" by Kyle McClain

This is the second part of our series talking about the core pieces of the gospel message. This video focuses on the good news of the cross!

April 12: "Gospel Message: Resurrection" by Kyle McClain

Happy Resurrection Sunday! Today, we conclude our three part series on the gospel message as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and what that means for us!