January 5: "New Year" by Kyle McClain

Only 30% of people make resolutions yet 80% of of people quit by February.  Are you motivated to have a year of growth?  John Maxwell said "change is inevitable, growth is optional."  You need to choose to have spiritual growth - to seek God and His Kingdom.  As Paul says in Philippians 3, everything else is rubbish compared to finding Christ and becoming like him so that we can one day share in God's Kingdom.  

January 12: "Servant's Heart" by Kyle McClain

Jesus shows a marvelous example of a Servant's heart in John 13 when he washes his disciples' feet.  We're called to follow this example.  For, Matthew 25:31-40 reminds us that when we serve others, we're serving Jesus.  Look for opportunities to serve one another/the church and those in need!

January 19: "People Hear What They Want to Hear" by Kyle McClain

Have you ever been in a debate with someone and it seems as if they aren't paying attention to what you have to say?  This ties into the issue of people hear what they want to hear.  This is a dangerous trap for Christians as we often want to hear what makes us feel good.  This can often make us oblivious or deaf to the truth.  Ensure that you desire to hear the truth!