November 2019

November 3: "Alone Time with God" by Kyle McClain

With all of our busy schedules, we're missing out on alone time with God.  As busy as Jesus was, he always made alone time in prayer with God a priority.  Here are six occasions Jesus chose to be alone in prayer:
• To prepare for a major task (Luke 4:1-2)
• To recharge after hard work (Mark 6:30-32)
• Before making an important decision (Luke 6:12-13)
• To work through grief (Matthew 14:13)
• In a time of distress (Luke 22:39-44)
• Throughout his ministry (Luke 5:16)

November 10: "The Church" by John Tullis

Think about your role in the church. Are you doing these three things?

1. Worship (Malachi 1:6-14): We're called to worship together for His glory and need to treat worship time with respect.
2. Edification: Love one another, build each other up, and meet each other's needs.
3. Evangelism: Point others to Christ.

November 17: "Equipped with the Word" by John Tullis

Everything we need as Christians is is right in the Bible.  Scripture is infallible and ALL of it is useful.  Take some time in God's word so you can be complete and equipped to do the ministry of the church.  (2 Timothy 3:16)

November 24: "Being Thankful in Difficult Times" by Kyle McClain

It's difficult to be thankful in bad times.  But, we can always find something to be thankful for.  Having a thankful heart, especially during most difficult times, leads to victory.  Give thanks in ALL circumstances! (1 Thessalonians 5:18)