How to Receive Eternal Life

October 6: "Grace" by Kyle McClain

Justice would dictate that we all die for our sins. (Romans 3:23) However, we are all saved by God's grace. (Romans 6:23Ephesians 2:8)  Surely, there is no greater gift than this!  Are you willing to accept it?

October 13: "Faith" by Kyle McClain

Because we're justified by grace, salvation is a free gift to us and we can receive this gift through faith. (Romans 3:21-31)  This is described many times in the Bible.  Here are two examples:

October 20: "Works" by Kyle McClain

We're saved by grace and we accept that free gift through faith.  But, we must also have actions that back up our faith - we can't receive the gift with a dead faith!  (Ephesians 2:8-10James 2:14-24)