Back to School

September 1: "Back to Sunday School" by Kyle McClain

This message kicks off a four week back to school series and emphasizes the importance and benefits of attending Sunday School at church.

September 8: "Realigning your Priorities" by Kyle McClain

Back to school season often means competing priorities.  In Haggai 1, we read about the Israelites placing their own priorities above God's.  This should serve as a reminder to us to prioritize God first in our lives! 

September 15: "Reading God's Word" by Kyle McClain

Matthew 4:4 shows us how important God's Word is in our lives.  Here are four simple steps you can take to create a habit of reading God's Word in your life.

  1. Make an appointment
  2. Find a special place
  3. Create an atmosphere
  4. Follow a plan

September 22: "Friendship" by Kyle McClain

Back to school often means back together with friends.  Are your relationships ones that are influencing you to grow closer to God?