April 2019 Services

April 7: "Knowing God Through Answered Prayer" by Kyle McClain

Kyle focuses on how we can better know God through prayer.  Living a life of prayer enables us to see God at work more clearly in our lives.

April 14: "Palm Sunday" by Kyle McClain

Kyle recounts the story of Jesus' triumphal entry from Matthew 21:1-11.  The crowds were so excited to see him riding into Jerusalem.  Today, we can have the same excitement for his return and the establishment of God's Kingdom!

April 21: "Easter Sunday" by Kyle McClain

Of all the great heroes in history, none have been able to conquer death except Jesus!  While celebrating the resurrection, Kyle points out that we can be resurrected just like Christ was.  He's coming back and we need to be ready! (1 Corinthians 15 v.12-26)

April 28: "The Importance of the Kingdom" by Kyle McClain

Jesus tells us in Luke 4.42-43 that he was sent to preach the good news of the Kingdom of God. In today's message, Kyle looks through the book of Matthew to show that the Kingdom was Jesus' focus and should be ours too! (Matthew 3.1-2, 4.17, 10.5-7, 16.21-22)