December 2018 Sermons

December 2: "Preparing for the Messiah" by John Tullis

Christians everywhere are busy making preparations for Christmas this time of year.  In this sermon, John encourages us to prepare ourselves for the second coming of Christ!

December 9: "Don't Miss Christmas" by John Tullis

John emphasizes what Christmas is really about and encourages us to make Jesus and the coming Kingdom a priority in our lives this Christmas season and beyond.

December 16: "Great Joy" by John Tullis

The news of Jesus' birth was to bring great joy for ALL people.  In today's sermon, John points out that we can still find great joy in this Christmas message.

December 23: "Gift Giving Season" by John Tullis

In today's sermon John talks about the gifts the magi brought to Jesus.  What gifts would you give the Son of God?  John suggests we follow God's directions in Micah 6:8 in order to honor God and Jesus.

December 30: "Ready" by John Tullis

John reviews the three mains points he's emphasized the last two years and reveals his prayer for North Hills moving forward.