October 2018 Sermons

October 7: "Love Your Neighbor" by John Tullis

John recounts the story of the good Samaritan from Luke chapter 10 and encourages the listener to demonstrate God's kindness to others.

October 14: "An Unhealthy Fear" by John Tullis

John cautions against an unhealthy fear of God using the story of the prodigal son from Luke chapter 15.

October 21: "Feeling Overwhelmed" by John Tullis

John talks about being a grinder in today's society and how easy it is to feel overwhelmed.  God never tells us that He won't give us more than we can handle.  However, His power is demonstrated through our weakness!

October 28: "A Sin Problem" by John Tullis

As Christians, we should not be surprised at evil in in the world, but expect it!  In this sermon, John encourages us to rely on God, for He is with us!