September 2018 Sermons

September 2: "A Job To Do" by John Tullis

On Labor Day weekend, John discusses our innate desire to work and the blessings that come from working for the Lord.

September 9: "A Life of Passion" by John Tullis

John calls the church to live a life of passion for the Lord and warns against those things that can kill off your passion.

September 16: "Dry Bones" by John Tullis

John talks about walking through the dry seasons in life, going with God, and letting Him breathe life into you.

September 23: "Follow Me" by John Tullis

John professes that the church needs to focus on following Christ, not trends.

September 30: "Pride Not" by John Tullis

In this sermon, John warns against pride and talks about how we can recognize pride in our own lives.