July 2018 Sermons

July 1: "Stand Firm" by John Tullis

Despite trends in our country of decreased faith in God, John encourages us to stand firm in God's Word by citing how Paul encouraged the church in Thessalonica in his second letter to them.

July 8: "Doing What's Right" by John Tullis

After encouraging us to stand firm in God's Word last week, John challenges us do justly, be merciful, and walk humbly with God.

July 15: "Patience" by John Tullis

John emphasizes patience, a fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22), and focuses on Jesus as our prime example. (Hebrews 12: 1-3)

July 22: "Miracles" by John Tullis

John poses the question of whether or not God still performs miracles and asserts that the church, as the feet and hands of Christ, is God's miracle.

July 29: "A Life of Passion" by John Tullis

In our culture, we're often made to think that it's okay to be passionate about anything except for our faith.  John shows us why this cannot be!  He challenges us to consider the passion in our own lives for the gospel and for the church.